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Keeping A Peaceful Heart, Flowing Like The River

Mar 12, 2020

Hello and thanks for opening this email...I won't keep you long. 

I wanted to reach out and connect, because, as these big times continue to unfold, the fear based instinct to recoil and isolate can quickly take over. And, I believe, what we really need right now - the antidote to all of this collective anxiety and suffering - is connection.
What we are all experiencing can be described as many things, and amongst them all, if we care to look, is a gift. An invitation to awaken, and rewire to, the collective heart consciousness. 

Gold is always hidden in the most unlikely pockets of the Earth.

Amongst the darkest shadows are the doorways to peace & presence. True peace, however, is not reliant on a certain outcome, nor has any expectation of happiness.

If we can allow ourselves to be with discomfort and uncertainty, we can surrender to true intimacy with the miracle of our own unique aliveness - the actual ecstasy of life.

Letting go of the mind's dominance, of control, and settling into heartful-ness, we can come to acceptance of the conditions of this unlikely aliveness. The plain fact that that each and every day, around 250,000 people will be born, and that also 200,000 will die. The miracle of our own unique aliveness asks us to see clearly the ever looming possibility of our endings, so that we can be ever more conscious, wise and present to our aliveness in each living moment. 

Simple, but not easy - it's the only way. Amidst the cycles of birth and death, sorrow and joy, gain and loss, praise & blame, the practice of keeping a Peaceful heart is never to become overly attached, nor despairing.

Some wisdom from the Tao Te Ching landed beautifully for me today;

Fill your bowl to the brim and it will spill

Keep sharpening your knife and it will blunt

Chase after security and property and your heart will never unclench

Care about people’s approval and you will be their prisoner

Do your work with love, then step back without attachment

This is the path to serenity

Do you have the constancy to wait until the mud settles and water is clear?

Can you remain unmoving until the action of the heart arises by itself?